Sunday, October 5, 2014

In No Particular Order, 31 in 31 - Day 5
Remember to click on the series title graphic above to see the rest of the lists in this series.

Thirty-one Words I Love to Use to Describe God

1.  Holy.

2.  Love.

3.  Grace.

4.  Power.

5.  Mercy.

6.  Shepherd.

7.  Father.

8.  Trustworthy.

9.  Perfect.

10. Sovereign.

11. Creator.

12. Giver.

13. Lord.

14. Omniscient.

15. Omnipotent.

16. Omnipresent.

17. Strength.

18. Glory.

19. Healer.

20. Friend.

21. King.

22. Compassion.

23. Jesus.

24. Spirit.

25. Light.

26. Way.

27. Truth.

28. Life.

29. Faithful.

30. Rock.

31. Necessary.

I could go on and on about my Lord and Savior.  He is my everything.  Everything else is just blessing poured out on me through Him.