Monday, November 28, 2011

Monday Mastery: Smugmug

Recently, I started up a Smugmug account.  It's fairly user-friendly, but some things about it are like a foreign language to me!  New (to me) sites and programs are always an adjustment.  In time, perhaps I can send you to see my pictures there ... but for now ... I'll just have to keep posting a few here now and then, till I get a better hang of things over there.

My favorite animal.  The baby is Amani, a female born recently at the Rio Grande Zoo in Albuquerque.  She's so cute.  Just like her mama.
Do any of you use Smugmug?  How do you find it to be long-term?


  1. We use it at work! It's okay.. I don't use it a ton personally. It's nice that you can turn off the right-click, though it's not a sure-fire way to keep people from stealing your photos.

  2. I remember seeing the baby when we went to the zoo! Sorry, you won't get a word from me about Smugmug.
