Monday, August 13, 2012

Encouragement for Homeschoolers

As a homeschooling family, it's easy to be hard on ourselves from time to time about the level of education our children are receiving.  I don't have a fancy teaching degree and though I put my heart and soul into learning in order to teach, I don't always know what I'm doing or how to teach every subject matter.  It's easy to feel frustrated, especially on those particularly tough days when no matter how much preparation I've done beforehand, the kids are just not ready in spirit to receive the lesson.

And I start to wonder ... is it me?  What am I doing wrong?  And doubt sets in about my abilities to teach them adequately.

I like to attend homeschool conferences every couple years just to get re-invigorated about homeschooling.  Hearing the speakers -- the "experts" -- talk about the joys of the process and how much they were able to impact their own children over the years, it just inspires me to be better, to do more and to try harder. 

Additionally, I like reading other people's stories of success in homeschooling.  Sometimes, they have great ideas, which I can implement into our own program ... but sometimes, it's just good to hear that homeschooling works for others.  These tales inspire me to keep on going.

I don't feel particularly discouraged lately.  Homeschooling is the biggest area of my life where I feel good right now.  The kids are growing and blossoming and I am so proud of the work we have done as a family to make our school at home (and in the world) a success. 

However, I recently stumbled upon this very encouraging article written by one homeschooling mom that I felt compelled to share here with my readers.  Just because we are at a high point lately in our home, doesn't mean that my readers are.  And if I can share my discovery here with someone who needs a bit of extra encouragement, then I'm happy to do it...

Please visit this link at the LovetoLearn website to read about Diane's experience during an "a-ha" moment in teaching and be inspired.  Our children are watching and learning every day ... no matter the lesson plan.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad that you are not feeling as discouraged about homeschooling at the moment. You have put so much preparation into your teaching, I'm sure all will go well.

    Love, Mom
