Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Lent, Day 5

Today was one of those days that made it a little bit tougher to think about thankfulness.  That's why it was so very important that I stayed alert and watched for joy moments!

J woke up, feeling sicker than yesterday, still running a fever (and by this evening, she started vomiting -- to tell you how bad she's feeling).  C was already at church for worship team and needed to be there to sing for both services.

Meanwhile, due to sickness, I've missed the last few weeks at church.  Today, C had a special song he was performing, so I definitely did not want to miss that.  I asked for a volunteer to stay with J so I could go to the service.

Well, Z volunteered immediately.  And then decided he wasn't up for the job.

S decided she was going to church no matter what, so she was out.  H really wanted to attend both services so he could watch his daddy and hear the message in one and then serve in the children's ministry in the second service.

So I gave up and said, "Okay, I'll drive you all to church and see if they'll record the music for me and I'll stay home with J."

S and Z were fine with that plan, but H said, "No, Mama, it's important for you to go, too.  So I'll stay with J during first service while you and then if you can get me and bring me for second service, I'll go then and you can stay home then."

What a compromise and how kind and thoughtful of him.  So, I'm thankful for that!

The day went on and I found out there was a ladies day out (at the movies) being planned to see the movie Safe Haven.  I decided to go, but was upset that S didn't want to go with me.  Instead, she invited some friends over and they all made lasagna and left the kitchen a mess for me to clean up when I got home and after I cleaned up J's puke off the tile.  Sigh.

But while I liked the movie overall, with its so-so acting, its beautiful actors and its twists and turns and emotional roller coaster, I was thankful that S had fought not to go.  Neither of us knew what the movie was about and since a big catalyst in the movie stems from domestic violence, after I saw it, I knew she would have not appreciated the movie.  She has a particular sensitivity to movies with domestic violence themes.  She just can't watch them.

It was also a nice time with some ladies from our church family that I don't always get to hang out with (except for brief hellos on Sunday mornings).  I was especially thankful that Vanessa came and shared with me my dark chocolate dusted almonds.  Yum.  It was her birthday!!  And it was fun to celebrate with her at the movies.

I already mentioned what happened when I got home, but even amidst cleaning up after J, I was thankful that she hadn't eaten at all that day (so you know, it was mostly clear liquid) and thankful that I have a handy Swiffer given to me on my last birthday by the family to help with clean ups like that (and others). 

What about you?  What have you been thankful for lately?


  1. I am thankful for a special friend that made my birthday that much more special

  2. Awww! That is so sweet, Vanessa. I'm glad we got time together.

  3. I'm thankful that my daughters look for the good in all situations.
